Fedrigoni 365 has always been an expression of love. It has been its own love letter to the power of creativity, of fine paper and of exquisite print. For the 2023 edition of Fedrigoni 365, each contributor was asked to use the concept of 'LOVE' as their core inspiration along with an assigned date, mine being Jan 28th.

Inspired by the concept “love is in the air” I explored a balloon-like type in the form of an inflated beating heart.

The numbers form a soft tissue style aesthetic seen in a real human heart. When in love our heart skips a beat and makes us feel like we are walking on air.

Using Open-Source software Blender, I created 3D type and inflated the numbers in the form of a love heart, with each '28' softly nestling and cuddling one another, multiple parts forming one united shape.

Each book was assembled at random, with varying coloured front and back cover boards glued onto each book block. The internal pages showcasing the red and pink hues of the paper range.

Special thanks to Susan Mitchell for the invite to take part (and for her wonderfully skillful wrapping of the book) and to TM Studio and Identity Print for producing a source of inspiration for new designers, showcasing the endless possibilities of finishing and book binding.

Show some love and pick yourself up a copy from Counterprintbooks with profits going to the British Heart Foundation.