Ophilia Steele Davis and Yexa Rivero run Unknown Errors, a series of creative talks that celebrate failings and what comes next. They kindly asked me to be part of the three person line-up alongside The Chatty Freelancer founder Chloe Marie Doyle and Amandine Elaye, a creative writer working across TV and Film.

The unique format centres on creatives sharing their failures, shit-hitting-fan moments and the negative experiences from their time in the industry with a goal of normalising the fact that things don't always go to plan. The three talks were followed by a Q&A panel where the attendees got a chance to as throw questions our way in a no holds barred session to gain some honest insights into the industry workings.

I was delighted to be involved, a great night all round with Ophilia and Yexa doing great things in building a local design community. The cherry on the cake was that all proceeds from ticket sales, £150 total, went to supporting the charity Refuweegee.

Photos by Randy Sanza.

Interested in having me come speak at an event? be on a podcast? or just wanna hear my story? get in touch, I'd love to come share my ramblings.